I may not be in scrubs all the time, but I never stop being a nurse!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jonah's Birth Story

Thursday, August 2, 2012
5:35am- Woken up out of sleep by a contraction after only going to bed 2hrs before. I noticed these were stronger than my Braxton hicks, so I started counting them.

6:30am- woke Alan up to tell him contractions have been 5 min apart and trending toward 4min. This is the real thing. Went ahead and packed bags and had some breakfast.

8am- arrive at Hillcrest Medical center. One nurse says "you're back!" since I had come in to get checked just 2 days before. Doc laughed and said I just wanted to see her every day this week since I had seen her twice already! Doc checks me and I'm 5cm dilated, 80% effaced and my water was broke (I thought I might of just had an accident after a contraction)! Called the parents, some friends, and work since I was supposed to work that night (I had been saying all week that I just needed to go into labor before 5pm on thurs so that I could call-in instead of having to leave work and drive 40min back to Waco).

11:30- 100% effaced and dilated to 6cm. On the birthing ball with the support of Alan and in "the zone". Strictly focused on relaxing and breathing through contractions, which are about 2min apart. The nurse said she was so impressed with how quiet and calm our room was-- she asked if we had taken classes or something! Nope, just letting my body do it's thing.

2:30- 7cm dilated and starting to transition. Contractions are 1min apart and my body is starting to get pretty shaky. Having some nausea and vomiting with the stronger contractions. Still on the birthing ball with Alan being an amazing support.

4pm- Still 7cm dilated and contractions are 30sec apart. Had to get off the birthing ball because I was getting to shaky and weak to stay on, even with Alan's support. Doctor wants to give me an epidural because I was more and more shaky and having a difficult time relaxing. I still requested to go natural.

4:30pm- Ended up with an epidural. I was pretty sad that I didn't end up going all natural, but the doctor said because I had held off for so long getting one, there was no way they would put me on pitocin (which I really really didn't want). At this time, I was already shaky, but the epidural made me vibrate basically! I had to keep convincing everyone that I was warm enough. Now that I was more relaxed, we had more people in the room. Which I still think is funny that everyone wants to come and stare at me while I'm in a hospital gown, having contractions and about to give birth.

5pm- 10cm dilated! The epidural allowed me to relax enough to get to 10. Doctor reposition me so that Jonah would come down a little bit more before we push.

5:30- Everyone is kicked out of the room except Alan and mom. Doctor and everyone is set up to go!

5:39- 12hrs of labor and three contractions later and we have a Baby Boy! Weighing 5lbs 1oz, 18inches long, and wide eyed! I was so shocked to see him when he came out, my first reaction was to just reach and hold his little hand! Doctor was super quick and removed the umbilical cord that had wrapped around his head twice, but fortunately it had not affected him. Alan was able to cut the cord and Jonah was placed on my chest right after birth. Alan was an amazing support and encouragement throughout the entire labor. We both had tears of joy when we saw our little boy! Such an incredible experience! I do believe now in love at first sight! I wasn't sure how I would feel and I honestly don't think I could ever put words the overwhelming amount of emotions that collide together in one very miraculous moment.

Wow, I'm a mother! What a Joy!
A moment before there was three!

Alan cutting the cord!

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO MAMA!!!!!!!! Beautiful! Just pure beauty! Go you! Go Alan! AND GO JONAH!!!!
