I may not be in scrubs all the time, but I never stop being a nurse!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Not so bad, eh?

So... I went back to work... and survived! Actually, I enjoyed being back at work more than I thought I would. It was different at first since I was going back on a day shift instead of my old night crew-- learning new faces and difference in when it's busy. The first day was hard for me emotionally, not just because I was away from my precious Jonah, but one of my patients was a teenage girl who coded and died. That's hard to deal with no matter what else is going on.
  But the next two days were really good! I felt awake during the shift and the time went by quickly. I also was able to avoid being too emotional by thinking "Only __ more hours until I see Jonah again!", which is a lot more beneficial than a pity party of "I'm not holding my son right now! WAAA!".
Course, whenever I got home, I cuddled with my lil boy for about an hour until I was falling asleep! In fact, the first night when I got home-- Alan met me at the car with him and as soon as he heard my voice, he's lil eyes got so big! I felt so loved!
My husband did a wonderful job of taking care of him and I believe he would make a great babysitter for anyone-- but he refuses to change any kids diapers besides his own kid! I'm going to have to add that to the list of things my husband is great at... right next to being a dulah!

On a boobie note-- pumping at work went great! I'm very grateful to my job for having a place to pump that's somewhat cozy and not a bathroom! There is actually a lock on the door, a glider, and some home like pics! I'm thinking though of bringing up there a bulletin board so that we can put up pics of our babies! It's more enjoyable to pump when you can see the beautiful face that you are pumping for!
Even more exciting news-- Jonah is latching on without a nipple shield!! Big accomplishment! Unfortunately, sometimes he draws blood-- ouch! So, to help mom not develop a wide range of vulgar vocabulary, the lactation nurse suggested that I pump for a little bit to help the milk let down and then put him on. She noted that I might want to get his frenulum snipped to help out.... um no! I think I would rather pump and feed than do that! So we're trying the pump and latch!
I'm really not meaning this blog to be about breast feeding... but it just happens to be a big area of my life at the moment!
Uh oh, I hear a grumble from the crib! Toodles till next time!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about how things are going- you're doing amazing! I admire your commitment to Jonah. I'm also glad that he has his daddy to take care of him when you have to work. Alan is awesome and Jonah looks so much like him- Cameron and I love looking at the photos on facebook.
