- Men are scared of the Belly: Most guys really are interested/freaked-out by the bump! They want to touch it, but are to afraid to ask. They also want to make a commit, but after being told all their lives to never commit on a woman's body, they normally take the safer route and stay silent. They are also a little freaked out by any sudden grabbing of the belly or moan-- I believe most have some image of a baby popping out and realizing they have no idea of what to do.
- To help: If a guy looks interested, verbally tell him it's ok to touch the belly and let him know what he is feeling! Most have really appreciated it. Don't be hurt is a guy friend or even dad never makes a commit on your belly size. Just know he notices but want's you're happiness more than his commits to be voiced. And always be ready to reassure a guy if you have any pain that the baby is not about to pop out and let him know what you need (they also get to feel like a hero if they can save a pregnant woman from some inconvenience).
- Men become Super Hero's Around Pregnant Women: Instead of occasionally getting a door opened for me, it's become every time and quite dramatic too! It's not "Oh ya, here's the door", it's more like "Let me get the Door for You, Oh Woman with Child!". And there is no more carrying anything around a guy! I may lift, pull, carry, hold down patients all day, but when it comes to carrying a box to my car that weighs about 3 lbs, I don't normally make it a few feet without it being ripped out my hands and carried with pride by the nearest guy.
- To help: Let them be super hero's! Let them open the doors, carry the boxes and offer up seats. You may not think you "need" it, but they need to manly ego boost. Also, they kinda feel like a giant jerk if they don't do something to help a pregnant woman.
- People are Watching You: Especially when you are getting rounder, there are more and more eyes on that wonderful bump. So you can either be nervous or have a little fun! If someone near you is watching you, waddle by them, suddenly grab your belly and let out a moan! The facial expressions are priceless!
- To Help: Have fun with the attention! Plus, you're going to have even more eyes on you and your new little one in a few weeks anyways!
- People are more shy: I was always warned to expect random people coming up to me and touching my belly. Not having a "bubble", I really didn't care if that happened. But now being 8months pregnant, I still get asked if I'm pregnant! Or people awkwardly stare at my belly wondering if they should ask!
- To Help: Just let people know! I've got this great necklace that says "Due in August" and it really helps clarify! Or I'll just bring it up in conversation so they don't feel so nervous.
- Your Body is Not Your Own: Probably not a shocker to most, but it still catches me by surprise that I can't quite do everything that I want to do! I may have had a chill day and feel like I get enough sleep, but the next my body rebells with dizzy spells and mega water craving! I'm like "oh I want to go do this", while my body says "oh no you won't! Nap time for you!".
- To Help: Don't try to resist. There is a small human inside of you and it takes a bit of work to grow one! Plus, your body won't be your own in a few weeks anyways!
These are just some of the top things so far! I'm sure there will be more in the next 2 months!
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