I may not be in scrubs all the time, but I never stop being a nurse!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hope in God

Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my salvation and my God..
(Psalm 42:5-6 ESV)

Psalms 43 has been such an amazing reminder of how Great God is and how ridiculous my emotions can be! David shout out to his soul asking "why are you cast down, O my soul?", why do you fret? Don't you remember who your God is?
I find myself getting worried over nothing or fretting about things in the future that haven't even happened yet. I want to shout to my soul and say "Why are your freaking out?! Why do you worry? Don't you remember who your God is?" I'm so grateful for the psalms and there being real human emotions in them!

On another note~ I was blessed to find out my last day in the ER is actually Monday so I have more time to pack! Yay for packing, sad day for work though! It's still all crazy that I'm moving! What an amazing adventure awaits for our family!
So through the sniffles from allergies without relief (thanks to only being able to take sudafed and benadryl), we've had a nice 2 days in the ER. Ready for tomorrow, but at the same time not... because that means tears, hugs and lots of goodbyes. I don't like goodbyes-- I prefer see-you-laters!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Everyone is Breathing

"When you start to feel overwhelmed. Stop. Breath. Then ask yourself, 'Is everyone breathing?' If no, then taken care of the one not breathing. If yes, then you'll be ok!"

It's crazy how all things in life seem to bleed and blend together. I often have to remind myself outside of the ER, that if everyone is breathing, it will be ok! 
Right now, I'm going through a lot of dramatic changes including moving down to a new town, starting a new job while coming up to my halfway mark of being pregnant! I tend to start to stress myself out worrying about things/events/people I have no control of. But thank God for my husband who can be the voice of reason when I won't listen to anything else. Many times God uses my husband to remind me of His great promises that I tend to forget when I need to rest on them more than anything.
I'm hoping this blog will be a nice refresher with an interesting insight to various topics of life while having a few chuckles over the crazy things I deal with as a nurse/wife/mother. 
For today, we're just going to work on breathing and know that it will be ok as long as we keep breathing. And if that stops, we're still ok-- we're with Christ! There is comfort in life and joy in death.